🌱SOTA SOFT. Since 2016.

It takes a village of obsessed pattern matchers to keep ahead of what's wearable now in the global softness markets.

Fortunately, we founded the makings of that village, SOTA Soft®, in 2016 and have been loudly telling our loved ones how much we're thriving in futuristically soft drip since. Our friends are smart. 💊🌱 

You wouldn't waste another minute of your connected life on dial-up now that you're "broadband-pilled," and you can get it wirelessly. Stop wasting the vast majority of your life, clothed, in the soon-to-feel-scratchy softness tycoons' agendas and formulas from decades past.


I'm not here to murder beloved generational American brands so all I'm saying is wear our stuff or at least be sure to copy our underlying brands when it comes to tees and hoodies.

When you know, you know. o7.

"SOTA Soft®. Wear always." -Zeal